Bio1151 Quiz 3, 10 pts (Print your name on the back, top left)

Multiple Choice, 2 pts each:

  1. Polymers are formed from monomers by ________ synthesis.
    1. hydrogenation (incorrect)
    2. dehydration (YEAH!)
    3. hydration (incorrect)
    4. hydrolysis (incorrect)
    5. evaporation (incorrect)
  2. A protein can act as an enzyme by binding the ________ to its ________ site.
    1. substrate, active (YOU DONE GOOD!)
    2. substrate, secondary (incorrect)
    3. product, secondary (incorrect)
    4. substrate, tertiary (incorrect)
    5. product, active (incorrect)
  3. Triglycerides are a type of
    1. fat. (OF COURSE!)
    2. protein. (incorrect)
    3. enzyme. (incorrect)
    4. polysaccharide. (incorrect)
    5. polynucleotide. (incorrect)
  4. Sucrose is a
    1. disaccharide. (COOL!)
    2. monosaccharide. (incorrect)
    3. triglyceride. (incorrect)
    4. unsaturated fat. (incorrect)
    5. saturated fat. (incorrect)

Fill In, 2 pts each:

  1. The polysaccharide                    is found in the exoskeleton of insects.

Extra Credit, 1 pt each:

  1. This figure shows the
    1. folded glucose monomers of starch. (incorrect)
    2. folded glucose monomers of cellulose. (incorrect)
    3. double helix structure of DNA. (incorrect)
    4. alpha helix secondary structure of a polypeptide. (YOU GUESSED IT!)
    5. beta pleated sheet secondary structure of a polypeptide. (incorrect)