Bio1151 Chapter 27 Bacteria and Archaea
  1. Most prokaryotes are microscopic, and can be found almost anywhere.

  2. The most common shapes are          (cocci),       (bacilli), and          .

  3. Many bacteria exhibit        , the directional movement in response to a stimulus, by propelling themselves with           .

  4. The prokaryotic genome is usually a circular ring of DNA located in a           region, and the         membrane may be folded to perform specialized functions.

  5. The cell wall of many prokaryotes is covered by a protective          , and many also form             in harsh conditions.

  6. Prokaryotes are capable of genetic                via several processes.

  7. Response to       stain classified bacterial species into two groups based on amount of                in the cell       .

  8. Molecular analysis has now revealed several         among the gram-negative prokaryotes, while another group is now assigned its own domain of          .

    • Many Archaea live in extreme conditions:               thrive in hot environments,             live in saline environments, and              live in swamps.

    • The gram-           bacteria constitute their own clade.

    • Gram-           bacteria include cyanobacteria and proteobacteria.

  9. Some prokaryotes are human pathogens by releasing         .

    Bacteria diversity: