Bio1151 Chapter 14 9
  1. Gregor Mendel studied the                of several characters with peas.
    • The garden pea has closed flowers and can self-fertilize, but also allow for manual cross-pollination.

      Mendel studied inheritance of a single character (or trait, such as flower color) by cross-pollinating two true-breeding varieties of the pea.

      This is called a monohybrid cross. When pollen from a white flower fertilizes eggs of a purple flower, the first-generation hybrids (F[1]) all have purple flowers.


    • The purple-flowered F[1] hybrids from a monohybrid cross were allowed to self-pollinate.

      Both purple-flowered plants and white-flowered plants appeared in the F[2] generation, in a ratio of about 3 purple : 1 white.

      Similar ratios were observed in other pea characters (traits).

      Mendel called the purple flower trait dominant, and the white flower color trait recessive.

  2. Mendel proposed "heritable            " (now known to be genes) to explain his results based on two principles of inheritance.
    • An observable trait, such as flower color, is inherited in units of DNA called genes. Alternative versions of a gene are called alleles. An organism's total collection of genes is its genome.

    • For each observable trait (phenotype), an organism inherits 2 alleles, one from each parent. These alleles make up the organism's genotype. Chromosomes that have the same genes (but possibly different alleles) are called homologous chromosomes. If the 2 alleles at a locus (the region on a chromosome where a gene is found) are the same, the organism is homozygous, otherwise it is heterozygous, and the dominant allele determines the organism's phenotype.
    1. Law of               .
      • The             allele determines a heterozygous individual's trait, or             .
        • Phenotype and genotype.

          A monohybrid cross yields a 3:1 phenotypic ratio in the F[2], if purple flower color is dominant and white is recessive.

          The genotypic ratio is 1:2:1, since there are 2 types of purple-flowered plants: PP (homozygous) and Pp (heterozygous).

          The true-breeding P generation must have identical alleles for that gene and are homozygous.

          In the heterozygous F[1] and F[2] individuals, the dominant purple allele determines the phenotype.

      • The phenotype ratio of the offspring can be calculated from a                model called the            square.
        • Law of segregation.

          Each plant inherits 1 allele for flower color from each parent.

          The 2 alleles segregate (separate) and end up in different gametes during meiosis.

          Random fertilization yields predictable offspring ratios: 3:1 phenotypic ratio, 1:2:1 genotypic ratio.

          These ratios can be modeled by a Punnett square: list all the possible female gametes along one side and all the possible male gametes along the other side, then combine the gametes to produce offspring.

        • Random fertilization.

          When a heterozygote (Rr) forms gametes, segregation of alleles is like the toss of a coin.

          We can determine the probability for any genotype among the offspring of 2 heterozygotes by multiplying the individual probabilities of a gamete having a particular allele (R or r).

      • A testcross can be used to determine the             of an organism with the dominant phenotype.
        Monohybrid Cross activity

      • Testcross.

        An organism exhibiting a dominant trait (purple flowers). can be either homozygous dominant or heterozygous.

        To determine its genotype, the individual with the dominant phenotype is crossed with a recessive phenotype (white flowers), since the latter's genotype has to be homozygous recessive. By observing the phenotypes of the offspring, we can deduce the genotype of the purple-flowered parent.

    2. Law of Independent              .
      • Crossing true-breeding parents differing in two traits produces              in the F1 generation heterozygous for both traits, and         phenotypes in the F2 generation.
        Dihybrid Cross activity

    • Law of independent assortment.

      The P plants of this dihybrid cross are true-breeding: one with yellow-round seeds and the other with green-wrinkled seeds.

      The F[1] dihybrids are heterozygous for both characters.

      Self-pollination of the F[1] yields a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 in the F[2], NOT the 3:1 typical of a monohybrid cross.

      This id due to the independent assortment of the 2 traits during meiosis, assuming they are on different chromosomes.

      One way to ensure you have all combinations of gametes for a dihybrid cross is the FOIL method.

    • Using FOIL to multiply two binomial expressions.
    Review: Mendelian genetics activity
  3. Extending Mendelian genetics.
    • In               dominance, the phenotype of                  is somewhere between the phenotypes of homozygotes.

      • Incomplete dominance.

        When red snapdragons are crossed with white ones, the F[1] hybrids have pink flowers.

        Superscripts indicate alleles for flower color: C^R for red and C^W for white.

        The F[2] generation produces a 1:2:1 ratio for both genotype and phenotype.


    • In               , two dominant alleles affect the phenotype.
      • Codominance in ABO blood group.

        The A, B, AB, or O phenotypes are affected by 3 different alleles.

        I^A and I^B alleles produce different antigens on the surface of red blood cells, thus are dominant to the i allele which produces no antigen.

        I^A and I^B are codominant to each other because the RBCs bear both antigens.

    • Some traits exhibit              inheritance which often shows                 variation.
      • Human skin pigmentation is influenced by multiple genes which produce different melanin pigment molecules and shows quantitative variation.

        This polygenic inheritance also exhibits incomplete dominance.

    • In             , a gene at one locus may alter the phenotypic expression of a gene at a second locus.

    • A gene at one locus may affect phenotypic expression of a gene at another locus by epistasis.

      The B/b gene determines the pigment color (B for black and b for brown)

      The epistatic C/c gene controls whether or not any pigment will be deposited in the hair.

      A homozygous recessive cc mouse has no hair pigment and is albino regardless of its B/b genotype.

  4. Inheritance in human families can be studied by analyzing a             showing the inheritance of alleles across generations.
    • Pedigree: dominant trait.

      In these family trees, square symbols represent males and circles represent females.

      Shaded symbols represent individuals who exhibit the trait.

      A dominant trait such as widow's peak cannot skip a generation.

      A recessive trait may skip a generation.

    • Pedigree: recessive trait.

      A recessive trait such as attached earlobe may skip a generation.

      A dot may be placed in a symbol to represent known heterozygotes (carriers who do not exhibit the recessive phenotype).

      Identify the carriers. ( Hint )