Bio1151 Quiz 10, 10 pts (Print your name on the back, top left)

Multiple Choice, 2 pts each:

  1. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a
    1. prophage. (incorrect)
    2. DNA virus. (incorrect)
    3. virulent phage. (incorrect)
    4. plasmid. (incorrect)
    5. retrovirus. (SUPERB!)
  2. Adult stem cells are ________, able to give rise to a few cell types.
    1. totipotent. (incorrect)
    2. pluripotent. (BOOYAH!)
    3. omnipotent. (incorrect)
    4. impotent. (incorrect)
    5. polypotent. (incorrect)
  3. Activator proteins bind to
    1. repressors. (incorrect)
    2. enhancers. (KOWABUNGA, DUDE!)
    3. promoters. (incorrect)
    4. mediators. (incorrect)
    5. operators. (incorrect)
  4. Genome sequencing may use the following technologies EXCEPT:
    1. endonucleases. (incorrect)
    2. stem cells. (LOVELY!)
    3. dideoxyribonucleotides. (incorrect)
    4. plasmid vectors. (incorrect)
    5. computer software. (incorrect)

Fill In, 2 pts each:

  1. A temperate phage can integrate into the bacterial chromosome as a prophage and enter the                       cycle.