Bio1151 Quiz 6, 10 pts (Print your name on the back, top left)

Multiple Choice, 2 pts each:

  1. A cleavage furrow is found during ________ in animal cells.
    1. prophase (incorrect)
    2. prometaphase (incorrect)
    3. metaphase (incorrect)
    4. anaphase (incorrect)
    5. cytokinesis (GOODNESS GRACIOUS!)
  2. The cell at right is in ________ of mitosis.
    1. prophase (incorrect)
    2. prometaphase (incorrect)
    3. metaphase (incorrect)
    4. anaphase (WHODA THUNK?)
    5. interphase (incorrect)
  3. Signal molecules that are ________ can cross the plasma membrane and bind intracellular receptors.
    1. hydrophobic (GOOD JOB!)
    2. hydrophilic (incorrect)
    3. ionic (incorrect)
    4. proteins (incorrect)
    5. polysaccharides (incorrect)
  4. Second messengers are involved in which step in cell signaling?
    1. response (incorrect)
    2. reception (incorrect)
    3. transcription (incorrect)
    4. translation (incorrect)
    5. transduction (SUPER!)

Fill In, 2 pts each:

  1. During cytokinesis in plant cells, a cell                   is fused from vesicles filled with cell wall material.